Behold! The second installment of our two part series on The Bell Witch.
Today we’re going to dive into the actual story—well, the QUOTE actual story—and get into many of the details that tend to be omitted in its retelling. We’ll get to know M.V. Ingram, the author of the first book on The Bell Witch, a bit better, and we’ll examine theories on what the haunting may have *actually* been. And! I was contacted by one of the highest authorities on all things Bell Witch in regard to last week’s episode, so I’ll share a bit about that.
We're joined by our pal Sean Nelson in this episode! Thanks so much for lending us your voice talents, Sean!
We also pull heavily from Betsy Philips' blog Tiny Cat Pants. Particularly these installments:
The Bell Witch and Spiritualism [11.09.2010]
The Bell Witch [07.28.2005]
The Infamous Witch [10.01.2009]
You can find Pat Fitzhugh's Bell Witch website here:
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